Marlborough's Registered Valuers & Property Advisors
We are a Marlborough based firm of property and valuation consultants, with in-depth local market knowledge spanning over 35 years. Not only that, our work has gained us the trust of leading financial institutions, so much so, that we are considered their 'preferred Valuers'. This is a status we work hard to maintain.
When you need a Registered Valuer's opinion, you want the best. At Alexander Hayward, we have specialist knowledge and expertise to assist you to make the best property decisions in an often-changing and uncertain property market.
Alexander Hayward is a proud a Member of Valgroup – a nationwide network of independent valuation practices providing our clients access to over 60 property professionals in 23 offices throughout New Zealand.
Our Valuation Services












Specialist Assets
We advise on a range of property related matters including...
Mortgage Security Valuations
Pre-purchase or Pre-sale Valuations
Market Rental Valuations
Reinstatement & Indemnity Insurance Valuations
Going Concern Valuations
Valuations for Financial Reporting
Leasehold and Fractional Interest Valuations
Compensation Valuations & Negotiations
Lease Negotiation Advice
Development Feasibility
Financial Contributions
Plant & Machinery
Specialist Tax Assessments
Biological Assets
Dwelling and Curtilage
Unit Title Entitlement Assessment
Property Tax Allocation Assessments for Depreciation
Motel & Specialist Accommodation
Business Valuations
Strategic Planning
Estate/Family Planning
Market Research
Developments Off Plan & Progress Valuations
Rating Values
Resource Management
Expert Testimony for Hearings, Courts & Tribunals
Maori Land Valuations
Property Consultancy
Sound property decisions from sound advice
When your requirements go beyond what a valuation can provide, you'll need strategic advice to ensure you make well informed property and business decisions.
As a client of Alexander Hayward you will have access to a wealth of property knowledge built up over many years. However property knowledge is of little use without the skill to apply it to its best advantage. Our senior property consultants at Alexander Hayward combine this knowledge with strategic analysis and well honed judgement, to provide you with a higher standard of property market intelligence that will minimise the risks associated with many of your property decisions.
A typical week for a senior Alexander Hayward property consultant includes such diverse projects as:
Advising Iwi on the best parcels of land for a crown treaty settlement proposal
Advising an applicant for a resource consent on the likely effect their proposals may have on neighboring properties so they can provide evidence to a hearing
Advising on a proposed multi million dollar purchase of a tourist accommodation enterprise
So you can see that Alexander Hayward Ltd is more than just a valuation company.
You'll have access to specialist advice from senior property consultants who have made property their life. The standard of advice that comes from this experience just can't be duplicated, but it is available through Alexander Hayward to help guide your property decision making.
You've probably heard the stories about people who have purchased real estate or plant and machinery, unwisely. This has resulted in problems that have not only cost them financially but personally too.
Because property is the biggest investment an individual or organisation makes, it is important to go into any purchase decision well informed. A few hundred dollars spent on a professional estimate of the property's worth from Alexander Hayward can save thousands of dollars worth of unwelcome surprises following purchase.
Since we have local knowledge from working within the area, we know what future developments may impact on the property you are considering purchasing - good and bad.
Our valuation includes a check of the property title - looking out for any issues that might affect the value or enjoyment of that property. A valuation from Alexander Hayward will minimise any unpleasant surprises that can occur once purchase of a property is made.
In many cases a valuation proves more than just peace of mind for the purchaser. You may be required to supply a professional valuation to a bank or financial institution.
Trusted by leading financial organisations, Alexander Hayward is the preferred valuer with most financial institutions.
An Alexander Hayward valuation can provide you with the information you need to:
Undergo or assess a rent review
Secure finance
Obtain insurance
Settle a partnership agreement
Plan your business
How much will it cost?
Nobody likes surprises when it comes to costs. For this very reason, we will provide you with an estimate or firm cost, depending on the nature of your requirements.
For a straightforward property valuation in Blenheim, Picton or Kaikoura, we can provide you with a set fee quotation. You will receive a valuation report which conforms to international standards and will be accepted by banks and other financial institutions.
If you have specialised needs, such as a property related consultation, we can provide an estimate of fee based around your instructions, the degree of specialist knowledge and skill required, and the time it will take to complete.
We accept EFTPOS, Visa and Mastercard. Or, you can make payment by Direct Debit or by cash. To view a copy of our Terms of Engagement please click here, or the link below.